Thoughts and tutorials on programming

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

rdocs for all gems from rubyforge

I am pleased to announce the release of my site that has the rdocs for [almost] all existing rubygems.


Because it's convenient to have all rdocs installed in a single known place to be able to browse/search them. Because it's a central repository, too, it eliminates the need to install local rdocs for gems, which (when you turn it off) means you install local gems *much* more quickly. It makes me happy every time I do a "gem install" :)
It also eliminates the need for running a local gem server.

These gems' rdocs are all in the hanna theme, which provides for method search and an easy on the eyes layout. Though darkfish is also quite pretty, it isn't as easy to read because of font contrast.

Check it out!

core docs:

Feedback welcome.

Note also that they're using a temporarily subdomain url. If anybody is interested and could help me with a subdomain of a more ruby related url that would be cool. I hate to fork over that $10 a year for another domain you know me :)


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