3.5) install msysgit, then git clone git://github.com/luislavena/sqlite3-ruby.git, then cd into it.
Thoughts and tutorials on programming
Saturday, May 30, 2009
how to install sqlite3 from source on ruby mingw (1.8 or 1.9)
3.5) install msysgit, then git clone git://github.com/luislavena/sqlite3-ruby.git, then cd into it.
mingw ruby 1.9/1.8 how to install mysql from source
Looks like the only way I know of is (assuming ruby 1.9 with devkit [2])
1) download mysql 5.0.x windows "without installer"
2) unzip, put/rename it to c:\mysql
3) download mysql 2.8.1 binary from tmtm http://www.tmtm.org/en/mysql/ruby/
4) edit extconf so that anywhere it says mswin32 it now says mswin32|mingw
4a) make sure that mysql's bin are *not* in your path [might not be ncessary, but just in case]
5) run ruby extconf.rb -- --with-mysql-include=c:/mysql/include --with-mysql-lib=c:/mysql/lib/opt
6) run make, then run make install
7) make sure libmysql.dll is in your path or in current directory 8) run ruby -e 'require "mysql"' -- should work.
[1] http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/188199#new
[2] http://programming-gone-awry.blogspot.com/2009/05/ruby-19-one-click-installer.html
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
how to setup a complete mingw msys build environment for ruby (including dependencies)
Here's how: use Luis Lavena's pre built scripts to set it up for you (in this case to set it up for building a complete version of ruby), then tie in to the msys and mgit that it created for you.
download rubyinstaller's source, git clone git://github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller.git
then build a version, "any version" of ruby with it, a la
cd rubyinstaller
rake # wait about 30 minutes :)
now set your path to "use" its newly downloaded, loaded with dependencies, versions of mingw and msys, a la build_env.bat contents (in my case):
set PATH=D:\dev\downloads\rubyinstaller\sandbox\mingw\bin;D:\dev\downloads\rubyinstaller\sandbox\msys\bin;D:\dev\downloads\rubyinstaller\sandbox\msys\usr\local\bin;%PATH%
Monday, May 18, 2009
e text editor on virtualbox howto
e text editor on andlinux howto
finally got the e text editor to work on andlinux! sweet!
how to:
1) install andLinux, choose coFS so you can see *all* your windows files.
2) resize the default partition to > 2GB default [1]
extract c:\program files\andlinux\toporesize.zip
shutdown andlinux
now run (for 10GB)
C:\Program Files\andLinux\ImageResizeTool\toporesize-0.7.1>tfile ..\..\Drives\base.vdi 10000
now restart andlinux
and within it:
sudo apt-get install build-essential -y # install gcc
install ext2resize, then run
sudo ext2online /dev/cobd0
3) "give yourself more swap ram" [at least 1GB for sure 2GB swap file works well] [2]
root@andLinux:~# swapoff /dev/cobd1 |
c:\Program Files\andLinux\Drives>type swap.vdi >>swap.vdi2 |
several times
or in ruby:
a = File.new 'swap.vdi2', 'w'
a.seek 2e9
a.write 'a'
4) checkout the git repository
sudo apt-get install git-core
git clone git://github.com/etexteditor/e.git
apply this patch:
install some unlisted dependencies
sudo apt-get install build-essential curl libgtk2.0-dev
then follow the directions within linux-notes.txt
Then follow the directions under the section "it all comes crashing down"
And you *might* have a working andlinux e text editor.
[1] http://www.andlinux.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1581#1581
[2] http://www.andlinux.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=956&sid=ebe8efafb867fe03519fcf166dbe104e
Friday, May 08, 2009
ruby 1.9 one click installer
Here's how to get a pretty easy working 1.9/1.8.6 mingw (from my post to ruby installers list)
for the files at
quick install instructions (1.8.6, 1.9):
install a ruby one click installer to c:\Ruby
c:\Ruby now has
Now unzip the devkit.7z and move its contents into the same folder
(devkit is a bundled up mingw GCC+msys).
c:\Ruby now has
(note: the message "This folder already contains a folder named bin"
is expected--choose "yes" to confirm folder replace).
next add c:\Ruby\bin to the beginning of your path and enjoy the power
of a faster ruby with a compiler.
==More Detailed instructions==
Same as above--however, if you want to use a folder other than c:\Ruby
then please change devkit/msys/1.0.11/etc/fstab to properly point to
the right directories for mingw and /usr/local
How to add ruby\bin to your path:
either do this on the command line thus:
set PATH=c:\ruby-1.9.1-p0-i386-mingw32\bin;%PATH%
or change the PATH variable within my computer -> properties ->
advanced -> environment variables (add it to the front of path within
"system variables").
== How to determine success ==
If successful you should get an output like (for 1.8):
C:\>ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2009-03-31 patchlevel 368) [i386-mingw32]
C:\>gcc -v
Reading specs from C:/Ruby/devkit/gcc/3.4.5/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.5/specs
and installing binary gems should work properly:
C:\>gem install json
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed json
If a gem fails to compile (ex: because of lack of headers), you can at
times get away with doing a
gem install gemname --platform=mswin32
this installs the msvc binaries for it. They are *typically* compatible. It's safer, however, to download the headers and compile it locally, and submit your process upstream so they can release a quality mingw binary :)